Special Reports

Automakers Grapple With Fundamental Tech Changes

By: Ann Mutschler

It may not be obvious, but big shifts are underway across the industry that will make it more competitive, strategic,...
EUV’s Future Looks Even Brighter

By: Gregory Haley

Demand for AI chips is growing exponentially, but costs and complexity limit the technology to a handful of companies. That...
Silent Data Errors Still Slipping Through The Cracks

By: Laura Peters

Expanded DFT and test strategies are catching more SDEs, but this rare problem in server fleets is far from solved.

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Top Stories

Automation And AI Improve Failure Analysis

Better tools, automation, and analytics improve FA, but determining the cause of failur...

Cutting IC Manufacturing Costs By Combining Data

Mixing financial data with manufacturing analytics can boost efficiency, but there are ...

Failure To Launch

Fundamental changes are needed in failure analysis to keep pace with changes in chip te...

Software-Defined Radar Is First Leap On SDV Path

Auto industry moves toward new architectures one feature at a time.

Wearable Connectivity, AI Enable New Use Cases

New types of wearables and devices can record bodily data or simulate the senses withou...

Verification Experts Vs. Generalists

The increasing complexity of design is driving specialization and innovative approaches...

Challenges Grow For Medical ICs

Making devices that are defect-free and able to withstand years of harsh environments i...

Improving Verification Methodologies

The verification problem space is outpacing the speed of the tools, placing an increasi...

Lines Blurring Between Supercomputing And HPC

Acceleration of performance improvements due to AI and disaggregation are driving signi...

Multi-Die Design Complicates Data Management

Design data and metadata are ballooning, and no one is quite sure how long to save it o...

What Scares Chip Engineers About Generative AI

ChatGPT isn’t coming for your job, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to be co...

Linear Pluggable Optics Save Energy In Data Centers

New OIF electrical standards will enable interoperability, adding another option for fa...

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Latest News

Blog Review: Mar. 12

Drive strength and timing optimization; quantum computer readout; post-quantum cryptography; AI song translation; 6G possibilities.

Chip Industry Week In Review

Malaysia design deal with Arm; strong IC sales; Europe's HPC independence push; CHIPS Act clawback clause; Allegro spurns offer; TSMC $100B U.S. deal; Intel's cha...

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Chiplets: A Technology, Not A Market

An open, plug-and-play chiplet ecosystem still faces significa...

The Price Of Fear

Risk and fear go hand in hand within the semiconductor industr...

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Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Mar. 10

Thermally aware chiplet placement; DRAM read disturbance; trai...

Research Bits: Mar. 10

Incipient ferroelectricity; superlubricity for memory; growing...

Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Mar. 4

Estimating voltage drop with ML; BEOL-compatible 3D logic; waf...

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Startup Corner

Startup Funding: Q3 2024

New startups emerge from stealth; 75 companies raise $2 billion.

Startup Funding: Q2 2024

Big rounds for AI chips; 91 startups raise $2.6 billion.

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What’s Changing In Outlier Detection

Scenario Coverage In Formal Verification

Cracking The Memory Wall

Using AI In Semiconductor Inspection

Knowledge Centers / Entities, people and technologies explored